Asbestos, a much used development material for its heat and fireresistant properties is now looked at with shame because it is the main cause for melanoma known as as mesothelioma. Contact with asbestos dirt and materials has triggered melanoma in millions of people in the past century. Asbestos melanoma is exclusively triggered due to visibility to asbestos. It is because of this reason that asbestos is banned for usage in development and mining industry in various countries.
It has been discovered that asbestos causes asbestos which is an aggressive type of melanoma that impacts mesothelial tissues in the system. These mesothelial tissues propagate across the system forming a protective part for body parts and system cavities. Asbestos materials, dirt and contaminants rupture these mesothelial tissues which aggravates to melanoma. The exact way asbestos impacts mesothelial tissues leading to asbestos melanoma is still unknown, but the researches have uncovered dangers due to asbestos.
Irritation and inflammation of mesothelial tissues results in irreversible damage and scarring. This eventually leads to asbestos melanoma. Asbestos materials impact normal cell department leading to mobile changes. Moreover, these materials encourage growth of very toxic toxins in the system. These toxins impact DNA leading to abnormal cell mutation. Asbestos also causes over production of oncoproteins which overrule normal mobile department restrains.
Types Of Mesothelioma
As mesothelial tissues are propagate across all system body parts, melanoma is categorized based on where melanoma tissues are discovered. Pleural mesothelioma is the most widespread asbestos melanoma affecting pleura part of the lungs. About 75% of mesothelioma sufferers suffer from pleural mesothelioma. Asbestos is also discovered in the stomach region and it is named as peritoneal mesothelioma. Abdominal cavity and stomach body parts are affected by this kind of asbestos melanoma.
Heart is also affected by asbestos contaminants and it results in pericardial mesothelioma which impacts membrane surrounding the heart. A rare form of mesothelioma is discovered in coating protecting testicles. It is known as as testicular mesothelioma.
Presence of asbestos materials in the system can impact any organ. Gastrointestinal melanoma and colorectal melanoma is also discovered to be triggered due to visibility to asbestos. This melanoma is also discovered in several sufferers in kidney, esophagus, throat and gallbladder. Breast cancers, prostrate melanoma and leukemia are also due to visibility to asbestos. It has been discovered that asbestos impacts ovarian coating leading to ovarian melanoma.
Diagnosis Of Asbestos Cancer
Mesothelioma, commonly known as as melanoma doesn't show symptoms until later stage. The disease has a long latency period and more than one diagnostic test is performed to confirm melanoma. X rays, CT and MRT scans and biopsy tests are performed to diagnose tumor.
article source : Asbestos and Cancer
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